Doctors performing brain surgery


Our neurosurgery team treats patients with injuries and diseases of the brain, spine and related nerves.

Call us today to schedule a new appointment or follow-up visit


Our highly specialized neurosurgery facilities and equipment allow for the treatment of severe, emergent conditions. Our level I trauma center provides treatment for people suffering from major neurologic injury, and we are the only facility in Broward County to provide a state-approved Comprehensive Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Program.

The surgical team is complemented by neurointerventional radiologists, neuropsychologists, neurological nurses and therapists. Together, the team provides continuous care, from admission through discharge through such follow-up services as occupational, speech and recreational rehabilitation and physical therapy. Community education and prevention services are also important to Memorial Neuroscience Institute's mission.

We promote the well-being of patients and their families through additional services, including:

  • Audiology
  • Social services
  • Speech language pathology
  • Support groups, promote the well-being of patients and their families.

Call us today to schedule a new appointment or follow-up visit


Using traditional and advanced, minimally invasive surgical options, our surgeons treat a comprehensive variety of neurological disorders, including:

  • Brain tumors
  • Acoustic neuromas
  • Brain aneurysm/AVM
  • Carotid artery disease
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Cervical spine disorders
  • Chronic pain
  • Degenerative lumbar spinal disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Gliomas (complex tumors in delicate areas of the brain or spinal cord)
  • Head injuries
  • Herniated disks
  • Hydrocephalus (a build-up of fluid inside the skull, leading to brain swelling)
  • Lumbar spinal stenosis
  • Meningomyelocele
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Peripheral nerve injury
  • Pituitary tumors
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Stroke or brain attack
  • Trigeminal neuralgia (headaches and migraines)
Tess is Living Pain-Free After Complex Scoliosis Spine Surgery

Tess is Living Pain-Free After Complex Scoliosis Spine Surgery

Tess says her quality of life has improved greatly after thoracal lumbar fusion spine surgery to correct scoliosis, the curvature of her spine. Neurosurgeons Clinton Burkett, MD, and David Smolar, MD, performed her complex surgery, both operating at the same time, assisted by 3D navigation. Now, Tess is able to work, do daily activities and play with her children, pain-free.
Why Choose Memorial for Neurosurgery

Why Choose Memorial for Neurosurgery

Christopher DeMassi, MD, chief, Memorial Neuroscience Institute, and Daniel Aghion, MD, neurosurgeon, explains why you should choose Memorial for neurosurgery.

Learn about the benefits of having neurosurgery at Memorial Neuroscience Institute.
Spine Surgery Brings Steve Back to What He Loves

Spine Surgery Brings Steve Back to What He Loves

After a bike racing accident, see how Memorial spine surgery help Steve get back to cycling and the life he loves.
Spinal Navigation During Surgery

Spinal Navigation During Surgery

Advanced technology allows our neurosurgeons to visualize the spine in three dimensions during complex surgeries.
Herniated Disc Treatment at Memorial Neuroscience Institute

Herniated Disc Treatment at Memorial Neuroscience Institute

Christopher DeMassi, MD, medical director of Memorial Neuroscience Institute Spine Center, explains how herniated discs affect patients and the everyday extraordinary treatment available at the Memorial Neuroscience Institute, including minimally invasive surgery.
Professional Photographer Nearly Loses Sight Due To Brain Tumor

Professional Photographer Nearly Loses Sight Due To Brain Tumor

Michael, a professional photographer, underwent brain surgery after a tumor was found pressing his optic nerve and threatening blindness.

Michael sought the help of neurosurgeon Dr. Simon Buttrick who worked was able to remove the tumor.
Brandon J. Davis, MD, Neurosurgeon, and Madiley Broz, PsyD, Neuropsychologist, explain awake brain surgery at Memorial Neuroscience

Awake Brain Surgery at Memorial Neuroscience Institute

Brandon J. Davis, MD, Neurosurgeon, and Madiley Broz, PsyD, Neuropsychologist, explain awake brain surgery at Memorial Neuroscience.

Awake brain surgery is a special type of craniotomy performed when a tumor or a lesion is located in very sensitive areas of the brain. Initially sedated, the patient is awakened during surgery in order to provide feedback that helps guide the neurosurgeon during the procedure.

Byron, who had a brain cancer tumor shares some of what he experienced during his awake brain surgery procedure.
Stephanie's epilepsy surgery at Memorial Neuroscience Institute with Dr. Christopher DeMassi

Stephanie's epilepsy surgery at Memorial Neuroscience Institute with Dr. Christopher DeMassi

The epilepsy team with Memorial Neuroscience Institute successfully completed its first use of a minimally invasive robotic device that helps pinpoint the origin of epileptic seizures on a patient.

The device, now in full use at Memorial Regional Hospital, is called a Robotized Surgical Assistant, or ROSA. With assistance from the robot, neurosurgeons only need to make small, precise incisions in the scalp and skull to place electrodes deep in the brain and investigate where seizures are triggered.

Call us today to schedule a new appointment or follow-up visit


It matters to you. It matters to us.

Daughter learning how to assist her mother during a Family In Training (FIT) Program session at Memorial Regional South.

Patient- and Family-Centered Care

We treat patients and family members as partners in healthcare.