Monique Mendez-Timmons, PSYD

Palliative Care - Psychologist, Psychology
Monique Mendez-Timmons
Monique Mendez-Timmons

Memorial Cancer Institute

1150 North 35th Avenue
Suite 330
Hollywood, FL 33021



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Memorial Cancer Institute

12235 Pines Boulevard
Pembroke Pines, FL 33026



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About Me

I am a psychologist at Memorial Healthcare System working with patients at Memorial Cancer Institute. I work with patients diagnosed with cancer, both those in active treatment and in survivorship, as well as their families. As a Spanish speaker, I also work with minority populations to help them gain access to excellent psychological care. I help patients with adjustment to diagnosis, depression, anxiety, body image difficulties, intimacy, grief and caregiver distress.

I have always been fascinated by the way that people think and make decisions. I believe that the mind is the most powerful tool we possess – it can be our greatest ally or become our worst enemy. I became a psychologist to help individuals see the power they hold inside themselves and how making an adjustment in what appears to be small part of their lives can be life changing. I strive to help people unlock the power inside them and believe that even in the worst of times, it is our response to life that dictates the outcome.

I love the ability to work with people at one of the most difficult moments in their lives and witness the resilience and grit with which they find the strength to keep going. I provide a safe place to explore the challenge of their journey, support them through the process and validate this new and life changing experience. It’s an honor to bear witness to the human spirit in the best and hardest of times, and I’m thankful to share a small piece of my patient’s lives.

When working with patients, I have a casual and person-centered approach to treatment. Our sessions are for you: about you and guided by you. I often describe it as the two of us being on a ship and you are the captain and I am the navigator. Within our safe therapeutic space, you can share your goals and the obstacles that make it challenging to meet them, knowing that there is no judgement or criticism. Rather, my role is to be a sounding board for how to achieve the life you want to live, helping to point out obstacles I see or all the paths that can be taken.


  • Spanish
  • English



Nova Southeastern Univerisity, 2008, Psychology
Nova Southeastern University, 2011, Psychology


University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, 2011, Psychology


Psychological Testing Associates, 2012, Psychology

Awards, Achievements, and More


In addition to patient care, I am also involved in research to explore other treatment methods for people living with cancer. Currently, my colleagues are I are developing new programs for standardized, group-based treatment to address fear of recurrence in cancer survivors. Although this curriculum has been tested individuals and groups in other countries, it is new in the U.S. I’m also interested in studying and improving access to care and treatment outcome for minority patients.

Professional Organizations

  • American Psychological Association (APA)
  • American Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS)
  • Florida Society of Clinical Oncology (FLASCO)


  • Schmit, S., Mendez-Timmons, M. & Castillo, Y. A.D.D.R.E.S.S.I.N.G. cultural competency in forensic assessments. Continuing Education Seminar presented for the American Psychology and Law Society, Division 41 of the American Psychological Association, via WebEx. 2020.

  • Mendez-Timmons, M. Stress less for the holidays. Webinar presented for Med Pro International through the Memorial Cancer Institute, via WebEx. Nov 2021.

  • Mendez-Timmons, M. The benefits and challenges of (dis)stress management. Webinar presented for the City of Hollywood through the Memorial Cancer Institute, via WebEx. Jan 2022.

  • Mendez-Timmons, M. Mental health & stress management during a pandemic. Webinar presented to Broward College through the Memorial Cancer Institute, WebEx. Jan 2022.

  • Mendez-Timmons, M. The psychology of food in the Hispanic culture. Live taping for NBC 6 news cast. Oct 2022.

  • Mendez-Timmons, M. Mental Health: Identifying the Signs. Facebook live presented through the Memorial Health System Facebook page. Oct 2022.