Community Health Programs

We take great pride in providing community services and outreach programs. We offer many programs and services designed to benefit local residents, including health fairs, senior healthcare services and children's safety programs.

Adult Mobile Primary Care Health Center
Memorial Healthcare System Adult Mobile Primary Care Center serves uninsured adults residing in the South Broward Hospital District by providing primary care and prevention screening services to uninsured and underserved neighborhoods.

Babysitting Basics
Participants in this six-hour class learn about safe babysitting techniques, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the Heimlich maneuver. Call 954-265-5930 for more information.

Bike Safety
Educating children about safety related to bicycles and other wheeled sports. We teach how to properly fit a helmet and are also available to assist with bike rodeos (bike safety programs held by third parties).

Blood Donations

Memorial Healthcare System works with OneBlood to secure a more stable blood supply for our patients. Your blood donations are vital. OneBlood has many donor centers, and more than 20 bloodmobiles travel to local business, churches, synagogues and government agencies. Call 1-888-454-2362 for more information.

Boot Camp for New Dads
Prepares expectant dads for the responsibilities of fathering. Specially trained, experienced "coaches," who are fathers themselves, lead the class. Participants should attend this class prior to the birth of their baby and return when their baby is about six months old to share experiences with rookie dads. Call 954-265-5930 for more information.

CAB's of CPR
The CAB's of CPR is an educational program that offers parents, teachers and caretakers interested in learning CPR techniques. The objective of the program is to educate the community on the importance of learning CPR and becoming CPR certified. The CABs of CPR program provides basic and simple techniques of CPR. Informative materials will be given to all participants. This program is optional and all information provided on site is free of charge. This is not a certification class.

Cancer Education Series: I Can Cope
Sponsored by the American Cancer Society in partnership with Memorial Cancer Institute, these classes give cancer patients and their families a broad overview of cancer. Each class features a different guest speaker to present information such as the definition of cancer, methods of diagnosis and nutrition issues. I Can Cope is presented twice a year. Call 954-265-5768 for more information.

Child Passenger Safety Seat Check
A nationally certified child passenger safety technician teaches participants how to properly protect children in age- and weight-appropriate car seats or booster seats. Call for more information:

Children's Mobile Health Center
Pediatric healthcare services are delivered to neighborhoods and schools through our pediatric mobile center, including free physical examinations, vision and hearing screenings, immunizations and referrals to primary care physicians. Visit the Children's Mobile Health Center or call 954-552-5898 for more information.

Community Care Plan (CCP)
Community Care Plan (CCP), the health plan with a heart, was established in 2000 and is an entity owned by Broward Health (North Broward Hospital District) and Memorial Healthcare System (South Broward Hospital District). CCP serves 100,000 members of various health plans and managed care programs, including Florida Healthy Kids (eight South Florida counties), Medicaid (Broward County), Memorial Healthcare System Employee Health Plan, and Memorial Healthcare System Primary Care Program. CCP covers a wide range of health and medical services and their provider network consists of high-quality participating physicians, including Memorial Healthcare System physicians, as well additional benefits that help members get and stay healthy. To learn more, please visit

CPR Certification Adults | Youth
Memorial Healthcare System offers American Heart Association – Heartsaver CPR AED classes to educate, train and certify the community we serve. This course is for adults and youth (ages 11-17) with limited or no medical training:

  • Two-year American Heart Association CPR certification
  • Use of leading-edge CPR equipment
  • Take-home course refresher materials

Health Fairs
These events offer a variety of health, wellness and safety education information. If interested, complete the event request form.

Home Alone, Safe Alone
Latchkey children learn about home safety and awareness. Participants receive a certificate of completion and a magnetic message board.

Hospital Tours
High school students interested in a healthcare career tour parts of the hospital and talk with staff members about health occupations.

To arrange a tour, call the appropriate hospital:

Memorial Senior Partners
More than 300 social and wellness activities are held monthly at the following two locations for adults 50 and older who want to stay active and healthy.

Partners in Education
Memorial Healthcare System partners with elementary, middle and high schools to provide career guidance, scholarships and community outreach to students. High school students can earn community service credit hours through the program.

Pediatric Speakers Bureau
Lectures and presentations are offered on a variety of health, wellness and injury prevention programs.

Poison Prevention
During Poison Prevention Month (March), Memorial Healthcare System representatives visit elementary schools to talk to students about poison safety in the home, poisons that look like common household items and other poison safety issues. Elements of the program are included in community health fairs throughout the year.

Safety Town
Interactive safety education is the focus of Safety Town, a program for children in kindergarten and first grade. Bike, fire, stranger, pedestrian and water safety are emphasized.

Speakers Bureau
Memorial staff members present lectures and presentations on a variety of health, wellness and injury-prevention topics. Complete the online request form for more information.

Tough Trauma Talk
Safety and injury prevention programs provide information and education about trauma situations. Call 954-265-4080 for more information.

Walking Programs
Pembroke Lakes Mall and TY Park are the settings for these supervised walking programs. Blood pressure screenings, mileage logs, incentive awards and health presentations are included.

Daughter learning how to assist her mother during a Family In Training (FIT) Program session at Memorial Regional South.

Patient- and Family-Centered Care

We treat patients and family members as partners in healthcare.

It matters to you. It matters to us.

Quality and Safety Data for Memorial Healthcare System

Our goal is to provide our patients with the information they need to make informed choices for themselves and their families.

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We want to give you the information you need to make important healthcare decisions, including the costs of our services.

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