5 Safety Tips to Reduce Childhood Injuries

March 26, 2025

toddler opening drawer of drugs

Parents want nothing more than to keep their kids safe as they grow. Staying aware of — and ahead of — childhood hazards requires vigilance and a commitment to safety best practices.

By focusing on safety protocols related to five key areas, parents and caregivers can reduce the likelihood of severe childhood injuries or fatalities.

1. Poison and Choking Prevention

Babies and toddlers investigate the world through their mouths. So, caregivers of small children should remove easy, floor-level access to any item that could pose a health risk if swallowed.

Store all potentially poisonous substances in locked or high-positioned cabinets, out of small children’s reach. Common sources of childhood poisoning include:

  • Household detergents, disinfectants and cleaners.
  • Prescription and over-the-counter medications.
  • Lawn and garage chemicals, including fertilizers, pesticides and antifreeze.
  • Personal care products, including cosmetics, deodorant, shampoo, nail polish remover and perfumes.
  • Alcohol and nicotine.
  • THC gummies/edibles and other illicit drugs.
  • Small button batteries, like those found in key fobs, children’s talking books, watches and some remote controls.

Additionally, tiny toys and other small household items can pose choking hazards for young children. Keep items small enough to fit within a toilet paper tube out of reach for children under three. This guideline includes, for example, limiting access to very small action figures and plastic water beads, which can cause intestinal blockage or other harmful health risks if ingested.

If you suspect your child has swallowed a potentially hazardous substance, call 911 or your pediatrician right away. Or contact the National Poison Control hotline at 1-800-222-1222.

2. Motor Vehicle Safety

Car-related accidents lead to thousands of childhood injuries and fatalities each year. While wrecks aren’t always preventable, families can take steps to lessen the likelihood of car-related dangers.

  • Avoid distracted driving. Always follow safe driving rules. Never attempt to text while driving. Put your phone on “don't disturb” mode while behind the wheel.
  • Always buckle up your kids. Ensure children always ride in cars safely buckled into a car seat. Caregivers should select and install a car seat recommended by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for their child’s size and age.
  • Check behind your vehicle before backing up. In driveways or parking lots, backover accidents cause hundreds of childhood deaths annually. Most of these accidents involve small children who are too short to be seen through a rear-view mirror. Make it a habit to physically check behind the car before moving it. Or use a rear-object detection camera, if your car has one, to ensure no children are in your car’s path before shifting into reverse.
  • Adopt reminder systems. Set an alarm on your phone or put a sticky note on the dash to ensure you never accidentally leave a child in the backseat of a hot, parked car. On average, 37 children die each year from heatstroke after being left in a car alone, according to the National Safety Council.

3. Water Safety

Drowning is the leading cause of injury-related death among children ages one to four, according to Safe Kids Worldwide. Parents can help keep kids safe around pools and other bodies of water with simple water safety tips:

  • Never allow children to swim without adult supervision. Young children can drown in as little as one inch of water, so make sure there’s always an adult within arm’s reach of any small child around water.
  • Learn to spot signs of swimming distress, including flailing or gasping for air. Never hesitate to jump in to support a child who seems to be struggling, even if the child knows how to swim.
  • Keep backyard pools gated and locked so small children can’t wander in without adult supervision.
  • Teach children key water survival skills as early as possible. Many YMCAs and public parks offer affordable parent-and-child swim lessons for children as young as one. By age three or four, most kids feel ready to learn to swim independently through age-appropriate instruction.
  • Have an emergency hammer — a specialized tool to break window glass — accessible in your car to aid escape if your car becomes submerged in a lake or pond following an accident.

4. Firearm Safety

According to a recent research study, gun-related incidents claim the lives of more children and teens each year than any other cause, including cancer and car accidents.

Families who choose to keep guns in their homes should never store them in areas children can access. Always keep firearms unloaded and locked in a gun cabinet or a safe. Alternatively, consider adding a gun lock for each firearm and storing keys in a separate place unknown to children and teens.

5. Safe Infant Sleep

Roughly 3,500 babies die unexpectedly in their sleep in the United States each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), causes about one in three of these deaths.

SIDS represents the leading cause of death for infants between one month and one year of age. While there is currently no recognized single cause of SIDS, parents can reduce the likelihood of sudden infant death by practicing these safe sleep guidelines:

  • Always place babies on their backs to sleep.
  • Place babies on sleep surfaces that are firm, flat and covered only by a fitted sheet.
  • Give babies their own space to sleep, separate from the parent's bed.
  • Do not place comforters, thick blankets, pillows, stuffed animals or other items that could pose suffocation risks in the baby’s crib.
  • Avoid smoking, vaping or drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Studies suggest mothers’ use of these substances before delivery can lead to increased SIDS risk once the baby arrives.

Caring for a small child brings lots of joy — and responsibility. By taking these essential steps to keep kids safe at home, in the car, around water and while sleeping, families can significantly reduce the risk of serious childhood injury.

Our team of caregivers at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital is committed to delivering world-class care for all of your child’s care needs. Visit our Injury Prevention page for more information.